martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011

Talking about Latitudes IV

Latitudes IV will be held different approaches to different realities, but with a common goal: a reflection about the findings. After a anarchic development of our cities, produced from over-exploitation of resources and territories, it seems to be the time to stop, think and take our heritage -understanding that in a broad sense and unbiased-, to make that get new meanings and asume new applications

Different cities in different continents, with apparently conflicting points of departure, but all with hardly bearable imbalances. The investigation pursuant the specific input of ideas, which can be easily accepted by the public authorities.

LATITUDES IV. TOWARDS A NEW VISION OF THE PATRIMONIAL. In recent years, deep changes are occurring in relation to the idea of ​​heritage and patrimonial, involving new approaches, not only in expanding the concept and scope of the term, but new forms of action in relation to it.
Clearly, concern has shifted from a partial and specific heritage protection, being almost exclusively known as "historical and architectural heritage", to a global vision and general construction of the territory recognized as having intrinsic component of being patrimonial. The inclusion within the concept of heritage of more extensive and broader ideas, which move from the concrete assessment of the architectural and urban to a new land valuation, is opening overcoming a stagnant stage of understanding of the built heritage as an object of contemplation and delight, to go into the active incorporation of this to the processes of development, it means, understanding the territorial heritage like support of economic and social development of a particular area.

A direct consequence of this is expanding the concept of heritage not only in its dimensional scale, but also to other thematic and structural scales. Thus, the idea of ​​fragmentary and partial, associated with a series of discrete, isolated and recognizable elements, result of a diverse and biased assessment of the story, broken, built in pieces, giving priority to certain aspects in many cases. We pass to another more complexity involved in understanding a changing reality that far exceeds its conceptualization in the nineteenth century linked to the preservation of monuments, historic gardens or what has a certain historical and artistic value to incorporate as well those territories adjectival heritage.
We witness, therefore, To its consideration as a protect unit which is inserted and participated in the urban and natural environment where it is, introducing tangible or intangible considerations: rituals, festivals, lights, smells, tastes, sounds ... of anthropological character, testimony of the collective and individual memories which meant at the time the extension of the Heritage designation by the Cultural Heritage in recognition of not only the historical and artistic value of the property but also its significance.

A final step and has been considering a new heritage designated by the term Cultural Landscape linked to a concept of patrimonial that addresses the urban environment and urban grid, but also those natural places that have environmental values ​​and a cultural significance, thereby producing an ever closer relationship between the natural and cultural heritage. This extension of the concept of cultural property to its environment will occur as a result of a social feeling of loss of representative places and spaces part of the natural heritage which is held in high esteem and are now in constant change and risk.

So, from the idea of ​​monument as Cultural Interest Property isolated, we move to the understanding of the property in its location beyond a reduced environment, as part of authenticity to expand its boundaries, it is a more abstract concept of anthropic environment, place and landscape. Thus, the patrimonial consideration today passes smoothly from the territory of the object and the uniqueness of the monument to the artistic cultural landscape. The heritage is no longer just the monumental, which has historical and artistic value, but also what contributes to the identity of people, values ​​that can be physical or not.

This radical change means that the parameters of the models and strategies that govern their protection, regulation and action,they need to evolve from its nineteenth century base to its consideration within the epistemological, ideological, political, cultural and technical parameters.

The assumption of this new notion, due to its complexity, involves an extension beyond the discipline's traditional activity of conservation and restoration related to the idea of ​​monument, to overcome the common notion and embrace those cultural pieces that show special situations of wealth and complexity. So it will occur disciplines such as history, anthropology, law, architecture, archeology and geography ... and increasingly scientific and technical disciplines.

Nevertheless, as more and more voices are raised in this regard, restrictive consideration is still predominant and in most cases determinant. So are those aspects that focus exclusively on the inner meaning of objects or cultural property that become, most occasions, in the focus during the development of heritage project, closely linked to the body of work appreciated as valuable legitimate and backed by its historical prestige and symbolic. This implies a way of conceptualizing the heritage in a static way, that set aside or thoughtless the largest component of the heritage that referred to its conception as essentially unlimited, permanently open and refers to the restriction of inventoried.

Going further on this concept, Can we think that buildings, spaces, territories, constructed to be occupied in a certain way, are now a new found spaces? Even subaltern or servers spaces that were never designed for human occupation, invisible to our eyes, Could they now appear, without its meaning, or as attractive alternative to the contemporary city? Finding those places, redefine, put them in charge, reprogramming, that will be the key work that many teams should develop in the near future.

These ideas are the starting point of these workshops, thus material for thought and research: places or spaces that because of the modern territorial system configuration, they can be in the inside the urban areas, in urban peripheries or part of the big territorial spaces between cities, rural areas reduced and isolated between massive buildings or communication networks, and very unstable and vulnerable, but vital to our planet.


This laboratory, understanding it as a unit, will be developed in four phases, chronologically and spatially separated, in everyone we will point on different approaches to the idea of ​​heritage. Will host workshops at schools of architecture of Granada (Spain), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Copenhagen (Denmark) and Sao Paulo (Brazil).

It is for students and teachers of architecture, but also experts from other related disciplines. The possibility of having the support of the UN Habitat program and other state or local governments or cultural associations, public or private, will give us more incidence and real approach on the issues to deal with.

We will organize the tasks in several working groups, coordinated by professors and architects of international prestige, working on depressed areas, which are an strategic place in the city and which value needs to be reinforce.

The proposals will be accompanied and supported by lecture and visits to buildings and areas of interest, to complement the workshop activity.


The activities generated from this event, both lecture and projects and study material will be compiled in a publication such as publicity materials for subsequent meetings, consultation and research.

The expected result is to obtain high-quality concrete proposals that will contribute in some way to improving the current situation in urban, architectural, social and environmental issues, so it will work with local, regional or state governments, depending of the urban development of each area.


26 november/ 3 december
TOWARDS A NEW TERRITORIAL CULTURE flooded land of the Genil River in Palma del Río. Córdoba.
Understanding the territory as a limited resource. Emphasizing the different scales, connections, mobility and speed, looks, layering, social realities, cultures, green factor, etc. working with a specific topic on the Genil River flooded and his impact on the population.
Buenos Aires
20 / 25 February
Urban recycling
Giving new life to what already is built, "reprogram", It goes through a solvent, open and unprejudiced reflection, border with scientific attitudes, social, anthropological, economic, artistic ... able to take formal criteria to the service of users and not vice versa. Rehabilitation and restoration, enhancement, protection and conservation of heritage, sensitive to issues of identity and collective memory.
15 / 20 October
Habitat / rehabilitation versus new plant
Small operations can achieve the miracle of renewal that a thousand times over the centuries has been rehearsed. Coming from rehabilitation has giving surprising results like restoring the social cohesion in a neighborhood or the recovery of degraded historic neighborhoods in the city. From the strictly heritage we need to a qualitative jump to open new areas of experimentation. The great challenge today is to focus on buildings, neighborhoods, industrial parks, public spaces, terrains vagues, favelas or shanty towns proliferated, decades ago, made by public emergency or after the war or insane private developments, always speculative situations. Restore dignity to these disparate and diffuse pieces the city today as the new field of action of the architect.
Sao Paulo
18 / 23 February
New public spaces

Rereading the urban
grid starting from what we inherited, to open the field for experimentation. The strategic restructuring of the tissue and redefining new areas of social relationship from its current meaning to incorporate in the contemporary thinking.

  • Escola da Cidade São Paulo. Brasil.
  • Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Granada. Universidad de Granada. España.
  • Facultad de Arquitectura. Universidad de Palermo. Argentina.
  • Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation. The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. Denmark
  • Post graduate program  Urban Strategies.
    University of Applied Arts Vienna die Angewandte
Marisol García Torrente. Granada. España
Ubaldo García Torrente. Granada. España
Andrea Tapia. Alghero. Italia
María Gómez-Guillamón. Copenhague. Dinamarca
Reiner Zettl. Viena, Austria
Daniel Silberfaden. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Ciro Pirondi. Sao Paulo. Brasil
Anália Amorin
José Carlos López Cervantes. Viena


Architecture students and architects, historians
, also possible acceptance of artists, sociologists, archaeologists, civil engineers, etc..


48 hours are planned for each workshop teaching


Specific programs will be published
before each workshop.

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